Sunday, January 11, 2015

Planning... planning.... planning...

2015 has already been a bit of a roller coaster.  We have had bushfires locally, been packed ready to evacuate over a couple of days of unrest with a bushfire around 20kms form us which was a very real threat to property and life (it is still burning with flare ups, but contained) and now the post Christmas/New Year depression has hit. 

So trying to get out of this funk with a bit of planning and setting some goals for the year... and failing miserably.  

I don't want to set hard and fast goals, things that are flexible and allow for our complicated family life.  We have no idea what is going to eventuate from Miss A's MRI in March for example so quite simply can not set things too firmly.

I do know that I want to start taking some time for me.  I don't mean that to be selfish, but I seem to have lost myself in being the main carer for the family, allowing the husband to do what he wants and trying to be firm but flexible with the teenage children... in all that i have not allowed myself anything for me!  I did start my diploma of web design, which was novel for the first week when mum was studying, but being able to find an hour where i'm uninterrupted, not being called for, not dealing with a spat, a cut knee, a spilled drink, a meltdown etc etc has proven impossible.  At this stage I don't know if it will be possible to complete my diploma.  Which is probably contributing to the blues I am feeling at the moment. I hate starting something and not being able to finish or proceed.  I hate admitting defeat... I'm probably too stubborn :/  

I also want to sew more.  I'm currently trying to construct a new diary cover.  Complete with card slots for appointment cards, a few hidden pockets for receipts and a closing pocket for other bits and pieces that seem to accumulate in my diary.  The plan is in my head, but putting it into action has been a little more complicated than I though... especially when I usually have Toby trying to help with the sewing machine foot control, And trying to juggle the hot iron so it doesn't burn any curious little fingers or noses (yes noses... no idea why but apparently the smell of the iron is fascinating!!!) 

Scrapbooking is not going to be a thing of the past.  I really want to find my desk and get a layout or three completed.  I have to dig it out from under the toys and storage boxes, but I know it is there.. I'll also need to do a stocktake on adhesives and a few other things I know the kids have helped themselves to ;)  But it's going to be done.  I just want to be able to create again!!

And I also want to keep up with the blog.  Not that I have anything earth shattering to share etc, but it's kinda therapeutic and looking back over time seeing how our family and lives have evolved is important to me.  

So a few things I want to achieve in 2015...  There are some other things I really want to do, like get a preserving kit and become all homesteadish but that's something that may or may not happen.  but for now, these are the aims for 2015 which may actually be somewhat achievable.  Looking at my diary filling up with appointments it looks like it will be tough to fit it all in, but where there's a will, there is alway a way ;)  

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